
Track Drive


A stuck center pivot has a greater impact than downtime. When your irrigation operation is at a standstill, everything from increased energy costs to expensive repairs to reduced yield are likely. The Valley® Track Drive is a flotation solution designed to keep your Model 8000 center pivot moving, no matter the field conditions.


  • Strength to support center tires on ridges.
  • Designed to help prevent stuck drive units.
  • Weight is distributed over a wider area than other tire options to minimize ground pressure.
  • By lowering ground pressure, soil compaction and rut depth are minimized.


  • Improved stability: Wider wheel base improves span stability on rolling ground and in windy conditions
  • Improved span alignment: Set of four braces on each side improves span alignment when crossing deep ridges and balances the load
  • Added strength: Heavy-duty base beam adds strength to support center tires on ridges
  • Low-cost upgrade: Base beam only option gives you a low-cost upgrade option in the future
  • Increased traction: Helps prevent stuck drive units
  • Minimizes ground pressure: Heavy-duty steel tracks distribute weight over a wider area than other tire options
  • Increased flotation: Tracked drive unit with longer wheel base and lower ground pressure minimizes soil compaction and rut depth
  • Conversion packages: Retrofits to existing Valley drive units


Compatibility Model 8000
Traction (prevents getting stuck) Best Valley solution
Flotation (reduces wheel rut) Best Valley solution
Rough ground capabilities Good Valley solution

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